Jamie Fargen's Weblog

RHCE 7 Exam Objectives

by on Nov.06, 2016, under Uncategorized

RHCE 7 Exam Objectives

This page will contain the RHCE7 exam objectives for the exam EX300 published here on Sunday November 6, 2016. No warranty or guarantee that these topics will be applicable when you begin your review of the exam.

System configuration and management

Network services

Network services are an important subset of the exam objectives. RHCE candidates should be capable of meeting the following objectives for each of the network services listed below:

  • Install the packages needed to provide the service
  • Configure SELinux to support the service
  • Use SELinux port labeling to allow services to use non-standard ports
  • Configure the service to start when the system is booted
  • Configure the service for basic operation
  • Configure host-based and user-based security for the service


  • Configure a virtual host
  • Configure access restrictions on directories
  • Deploy a basic CGI application
  • Configure group-managed content
  • Configure TLS security


  • Configure a caching-only name server
  • Troubleshoot DNS client issues


  • Provide network shares to specific clients
  • Provide network shares suitable for group collaboration
  • Use Kerberos to control access to NFS network shares


  • Provide network shares to specific clients
  • Provide network shares suitable for group collaboration


  • Configure a system to forward all email to a central mail server


  • Configure key-based authentication
  • Configure additional options described in documentation


  • Synchronize time using other NTP peers

Database services

  • Install and configure MariaDB
  • Backup and restore a database
  • Create a simple database schema
  • Perform simple SQL queries against a database

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