Tag: wordpress
How to install WordPress on myweb
by jfargen on Sep.17, 2014, under Uncategorized
On Windows you will need to use putty to connect to circe.rc.usf.edu, if you are using a Mac or Linux you can use a regular terminal to ssh to circe.rc.usf.edu.
Once connected to circe
$ cd public_html
$ wget https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz
$ wget http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/sqlite-integration.1.7.zip
$ tar zxvf latest.tar.gz
$ unzip sqlite-integration.1.7.zip
$ mv sqlite-integration/ wordpress/wp-content/plugins/
$ cp wordpress/wp-content/plugins/sqlite-integration/db.php wordpress/wp-content/
$ cp wordpress/wp-config-sample.php wordpress/wp-config.php
Well, it does not seem like this task will be possible, because the unix admins have been slacking.
When you go to
You are greeted by the unpleasant message –
Your server is running PHP version 5.1.6 but WordPress 4.0 requires at least 5.2.4.